Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission

Education is not the process of teaching by the teacher; it is the process of encourage the learning process of the student. Not confirming the students to the classroom, the school believes in a holistic, all-round development of the child. Our main emphasis is on providing quality education and excellence in all the fields to inspire the students to be morally upright, and possess qualities of integrity, truthfulness, and honesty. Not only this, we develop patriotic, social and ethical values among students for developing responsive citizenship to revive the past glory of Indian culture.

Sister Caryll

Principal (Carmel Convent School, Raigarh)


Carmel School Raigarh is committed to offer a life-oriented education that is humanizing and liberative, enabling the students to be socially conscious and justice-oriented. Empowerment of the poor and the marginalized will be a priority, and respect for God’s creation will be fostered. The thrust is in the light of a ‘civilization of love’– the kingdom of God as envisaged and promoted by the Founders, Mother Teresa of St. Rose of Lima.


    Missions of our schoools are following below :-
  1. To promote a school community/society/nation where spiritual, moral and genuine human values are lived and witnessed to.
  2. To contribute to the transformation of society through an openness to reality and living challenges of being socially conscious and socially responsible.
  3. To enable the poor and the marginalized to exercise their freedom to be human and take their rightful place in society.
  4. To promote inter-cultural and inter-religious harmony and communion through promoting genuine dialogue in an atmosphere of respect and openness. We also facilitate experiential dialogue, where by we work together for the common good of the human family.
  5. To facilitate leadership among the students enabling them to be genuinely other-oriented and spiritually and socially motivated towards personal, group and societal liberation.
  6. To provide quality, integral education which is life, vocation and career-oriented. We promote a climate for human and academic excellence with an openness to learning and the development of skills so that work towards the empowerment of persons and transformation of society will be fostered.
  7. To work toward the integrity of creation through being conscious of and alert to the state of devastation and destruction of creation and the serious perils human kind is plunged into. We promote programmes/ movements that foster inter-connectedness, kinship and eco-justice.