Norms For Promotions

  1. Promotions are granted on the basis of the whole year’s work, hence the importance of regularity in work and performance in the examination.
  2. 90 % of attendance is compulsory for every student for promotion. In case of serious illness or accident, special consideration will be given, if the parents/ guardians inform the school authorities in time with medical certificate.
  3. The school conducts two tests and two examinations in the year.
  4. Admission-card for the exam will be given only if all dues are cleared. A “no- due” certificate from the school office should be shown to the supervisor.
  5. The portion covered during the months April, will be included for the examination to be held in Oct. and the same will not be included for the Annual examination for Class I to IV. It will be compulsory to get a minimum of 40% to pass in every subject. Grades will be awarded for Religion & Moral science. PROMOTION to the next class will be based on the aggregate grades/marks in the tests and examinations. The Annual-Examination Answer Papers will not be shown to the parents/guardians.
  6. A student who uses unfair means during examinations/tests will be given Zero in that subject. Repetition of the same will result in expulsion from the exam of the school.
  7. The results at the end of the academic session will be given on the appointed day to all those who have paid all their dues as well as returned the library books on producing a no-due certificate from the school office.
  8. Class IX students who show no improvement, absent themselves or fail twice in the examinations will not be promoted to class X.
  9. Utmost care is taken to avoid discrepancy in calculation and evaluation, hence the results, once declared, cannot be questioned/re-considered. Except under very unusual condition and on providing prime-facie evidence of irregularity or error in this report.
  10. All students/parents should collect the Annual Examination result on the specified day communicated to parents through the school circular. In case the results are not received from the school on the specified day and time allotted, parents should launch a written complaint to the Principal/Manager. A student who fails twice consecutively in the same class is liable to be asked to leave the school.